Innovation and Entrepreneurship at its best
Posted by Fana Khumalo on March 22, 2023 7:10 PM SAST

African Cooperative Desk Has highly involved in supporting Cooperatives and SMMEs, we have partnership with Soweto Business Access, Ignite Entrepreneurship Program, Black Is Not Only Beautiful, Monster Project Cooperative, Pro Soweto Cooperative, Seteng Sediba Sa Basadi Cooperative, Kwebong and Projects Pty Ltd, Creative Anchor Enterprise, Direct Serve, Omolemong Wa Gautam, Maponya Institute, Jam Priest Entertainment, Zaizo Burial Society, and many more that how we are serious about development of our people we will pull our resources to succeed and our masses to succeed we are about to launch our Bank soon to finance businesses through our digital platforms we also launched our digital marketing platform were business can can make money in different ways digitally we are currently training 2000 youth to start and run their new business were we create digital profiles for them to market their companies eran while learn flagship program we also have a business stokvel were we save money to start our projects and create employment for our communities.
Watch the space in 6 months all Businesses in Africa and International will be joining us to grow the 🌎 world and create opportunities for everyone owning businesses in all continents. We calling all Business in the world to Join us so that we change the world for the better. Also find the attached application form to join us fill the forms and submit it to or our membership fee is R500 and view our profile about our BiNOB Mutual Society, Cooperative Development support program and Youth Business Fund.